
March 24, 2011

FINALLY! I have created a Twitter account that is required of us to do so for those undertaking the Net Communication subject.

Add Follow me @whyzedtan if you want to!

Disclaimer: The display picture of my Twitter account is not me.

I have never really understood the significance of using Twitter with Facebook around. My understanding of ‘tweeting’ is like updating a Facebook status by typing a short message and share it with the rest. Since Facebook has very similar functions as those of Twitter, I do not quite see the point of signing up for an account. Besides, my network of people on Facebook is definitely much bigger as compared to Twitter.

I would not consider being ‘forced’ to sign up for a Twitter account just because the school has asked us to. Living in the digital age today, I guess it would only benefit us by exploring and knowing more.

Alright, I have lots of exploring to do to discover the wonders of this hyped social networking and microblogging service. Let’s hope I am able to join in the conversation with the rest of the world. 🙂


Twitter. 2011, Twitter, United States of America, viewed 24 March 2011, <>.