
Hmm… delicious! No, I am not slurping my tongue and savouring the smell in front of my MacBook screen. This post has got nothing to do with food and beverage.

As an avid Internet user for the past decade, this is going to be slightly embarrassing. I have only decided to find out more about social bookmarking web service Delicious (previously known as today.

All rights reserved by Flickr user rubyshoes.

Hence, I have just signed up for an account (it’s free too!) and decided to discover the widely raved about web tool that I see on blogs and websites all the time. So what Delicious does is having all your favourite bookmarks saved, synchronised and organised in an account. This would be really convenient without having the need to visit every single website or wreck your brains to recall all your favourite websites if you use a different machine. For example, the hard disk of your computer crashes one day or  if you are at your friend’s place and need to access webpages you have failed to remember.

Delicious is considered Web 2.0 because of its capability to share and interact with the rest. I am able to see what my friends have bookmarked and vice-versa. The tagging function of Delicious allows users to tag their bookmarks, such as travel, food, shopping, movies, music, social networking and so on. On the homepage of Delicious, I am able to see what are the latest bookmarks saved by users, and also the most popular bookmarks on Delicious at the moment under ‘Hotlist‘.

Do check out their official blog here for more updates and comprehensive content of this wonderful web tool that I have just discovered. I am glad I did!

My bookmarks taste really good now. Do yours?


Delicious. 2011, Delicious, United States of America, viewed 31 March 2011, <>.

Davidson, S. et al. 2011, Delicious Blog, Delicious, United States of America, viewed 31 March 2011, <>.

rubyshoes. 2007, Flickr, United States of America, viewed 31 March 2011, <>.

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